1987 Alumni Reunion High Table
1987 Alumni Reunion High Table
University College welcomed back alumni from 1987 to High Table this week as part of the 80th Anniversary Celebrations.
Dr Jennifer McDonald welcomed Dr Jane Wright (former President of the UC Student Club), Anne Jeremiah and Emma King to the new Syme Dining Hall as guests of honour at High Table. Dr Wright spoke of her experience at College and encouraged the students to actively participate in College life.
"When I look back at my time at University College - I am grateful for the wonderful friends I made and have continued to stay in contact with. Throughout my time at College, I was fortunate to have developed a network of friends from diverse academic backgrounds and countries" - Dr Jane Wright
If you would like to find out more about the special events happening this year, please click here.
To host an alumni reunion, please contact the Advancement Office at University College on 9349 9113 or community@unicol.unimelb.edu.au