1997 Alumni Reunion
1997 Alumni Reunion
Head of College, Dr Jennifer McDonald hosted College alumni from 1997 at a small gathering in the College's Senior Common Room on Friday 30 June, 2017.
All in attendance spoke fondly of their time at the College, revealing that it was the College's community feel that attracted them to it in the first instance.
"When I walked into UC it just felt different to the other colleges, more of a community. Even if you didn't know everyone by name, you knew everyone's face and it just made you feel like we were all in this thing together."
Alexis Sawenko (UC 1997)
As part of the 80th anniversary celebrations this year, University College is embarking on a broad engagement program including domestic and international activities.
With over 5,600 alumni living in over 45 countries, the University College community is indeed a global community.
Dr McDonald will be hosting alumni reunions in Canberra on Wednesday 19 July, Perth on Monday 31 July and Brisbane on Wednesday 9 August. If you have recently moved and would like to ensure you receive the most up to date invitations, please update your contact details.
For more information on UC alumni and events, please contact the Advancement Office at University College on +61 3 9349 9113 or community@unicol.unimelb.edu.au